The True Gift of Relationship

Feel into that place when you are in an argument with your intimate partner. That place where everything in you wants to turn and run because it's hopeless. He/she will never really hear you or understand your point of view, so it seems easier to just cut off emotionally and avoid feeling the pain of this. So you might not physically run out the door, but emotionally and spiritually you've just checked out.

But if you keep protecting your heart in the relationship, you will inevitably feel like the love that was once alive and radiating between you has disappeared. You will feel more neutralized and have a harder time connecting deeply. You might find yourself pining over the old days or looking forward to some future event to light that spark again. But the spark is not in the future or the past, it's right here, right now. Even if you are feeling completely hopeless in an argument, or not seen or understood. There is only now to connect deeply with your heart and allow those feelings to come forth. The only thing causing you to feel so disconnected with yourself and therefore your intimate partner is that you are denying your heart. You might feel pain or deep longing for connection. Allow these feelings to come into the light, so they can be seen, felt and embraced into the infinite love that you are.

If you begin to share your deepest feelings with your beloved and he/she can't meet you there then maybe this is important information for you to feel.  It takes great courage to be this vulnerable.  Safety will never fulfill you, only the radiance of who you are will.

I've been with my husband, Chris for over eleven years and our whole relationship has been based in taking risks with each other. We have shared some of the most difficult things together over the years and have been willing to let our relationship fall away, time after time for the sake of honoring our own heart and truth. Because of this, our relationship has bloomed out of realness. The foundation of our connection is based in truth and the intimacy we experience together is profound. This didn't happen because we were pining for old times or hoping for some good times in the future. It happened because we have both been willing to melt in the fire of the present moment and face each other vulnerably through the discomfort and share our hearts with each other.  This has allowed us to hold each other's humanity with so much love and compassion. It is such an intimate and sacred exchange, that you can't help but to become more drawn to that, over the safety of keeping things status quo.

Relationships are not here to comfort us. When we use them as a spiritual practice, a sacred vehicle for awakening, it will act as a furnace that stokes the fire that burns within. It will support your awakening, flushing everything out that's not true - all of the conditioned beliefs and defense strategies - and inviting the deepest part of you to come forth in this world.  There is so much wisdom in staying through the discomfort.  Trust your heart and be guided by the infinite love that you are!


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