This moment is the perfect formation of stillness

My experiences led me to see that our emotions are not a problem.  They simply arise in the soup of being, or to use the ocean/wave metaphor…there will always be waves in the ocean.  The waves aren't less than the ocean, because they are the ocean.  So when a wave rises up it's beauty is totally unique and a perfect formation of the ocean.  Just like when an emotion arises in the great ocean of stillness, it is a perfect formation of stillness.  No matter how the wave appears.  It only gets ugly when we reject the appearance of it.  In my experience, this is what creates the stories and mind about what's happening.  But that's even allowed and has made the emotional fine tuning easier on my spirit, because I no longer feel split or fragmented.  

In the ordinary, the easiest way I can describe this is in my relationship to life.  When I participate from stillness, love is present no matter what I am facing…whether it's a difficult conversation with my husband, or feeling the deep suffering and pain in the world, or dancing and singing with my little girl….it's all the same, love is present.  If I'm not participating from stillness I feel a tightness around my heart and I stay with it until it softens into love, no matter how that looks. It gets subtler and subtler.  The heart is the quickest way for me to get a read on my emotional frequency.  I pay close attention to whether it's open or defended.  It's a humbling unfolding, filled with so much realness and intimacy in all parts of my life. I am grateful.    


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